Employee Assistance Programme


What is the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)?

EAP is an employment based programme for employees who require assistance and support in regards to their wellbeing.

Taking a holistic approach to wellbeing issues, and where possible including the employer, I help employees overcome challenges, remain focused and productive at work.

Supporting employers/employees with:

  • Dealing with stress and pressure

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Workplace relationships

  • Cultural diversity in the workplace

  • Managing emotions

  • Relationship and family matters

  • Dealing with grief and loss

  • Health and wellbeing

What are the benefits?

For individuals:

  • Access to qualified assistance can avoid the escalation of challenges or stress

  • Develop coping strategies

  • Increased confidence and improved wellbeing

For organisations:

  • Training and resources to foster a motivated, respectful and resilient team

  • Communication and teamwork techniques to reduce grievances and imbalance in the workplace

  • Lower staff turnover and absenteeism


“While implementing an in-house Wellbeing Programme, a mutual friend thought Kereama could help us with this and introduced us.

Since meeting Kereama, together we have introduced several initiatives and our Wellbeing Programme has gained a lot more traction than first anticipated. Kereama is our very own in-house EAP service, assisting many employees and apprentices through some truly tough times, as well as working along side many of our member businesses to assist with managing wellbeing in their businesses. 

Kereama is getting across the country and the plumbing industry, raising awareness around mental health and wellbeing. It’s been a pleasure working with him and seeing the industry accept that the wellbeing our of people is just as important as physical Health & Safety in a workplace. I look forward to seeing what’s next for us having Kereama on board!”

- Lisa Duston, HR Manager - Master Plumbers